Matthew & Elizabeth Know More Than You About...

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Saturday, February 10, 2007

The Silverlake Cheese Shop

This place is like cheese heaven. Unless you hate cheese. Then, I guess, it’d be cheese hell. But really, does anyone hate cheese? Okay, I mean, maybe if you’re allergic or lactose intolerant, but then you’d be sort of indifferent, not full throttle abhorrence of cheese. People who say they don’t like cheese are lying to themselves. And if you’re going to lie to yourself, why not make it a good lie? There are better lies out there, just waiting for you to discover them. The truth is out there. If you believe that, it’d make you feel a lot better than not eating cheese. But you know what’s even better than not eating cheese? Eating cheese. Upon entering the cheese establishment, I was immediately drawn to the first, obviously free sample I could see – olive oil. With bread! Quite tasty.

Matthew and I then proceeded to sample every sort of cheese in the place, having no inclinations before entering what we wanted, as is routinely typical of us. With a little gouda, goat cheese, brie, fancy brie, bleu cheese, and cheddar down the hatch, we decided on one of everything. The exceptionally knowledgeable cheese staff might know a lot about cheese. But we know a lot about eating cheese.

Then came the free wine. “Free wine?” we echoed to ourselves, just as you, the reader, are undoubtedly echoing to yourself. Yes. Good. Free. Wine. It was a red blend, and blend it did. Into my blood stream. I’m not sure if that’s accurate. That seems to imply a sort of surgical procedure. And anyone who watches Grey’s Anatomy will tell you, surgery and wine do NOT blend. Maybe if you’re watching a surgery. But definitely not if you’re performing it. That would be unethical.

At any rate, as I sipped my red blend, blending perfectly with my cheese infused palate, I thought to myself that Matthew and I sort of resembled this perfect combination or pairing of elements. Not that either of us resemble wine or cheese, but if I HAD to choose, I’d say I’m the wine because I’m silly yet sophisticated, and he’s the cheese because he’s cheesy. I mean, vice versa. Mainly, I’d say that the wine cheese combo is pretty awesome, and so are we.

Peace, Love, and Cheese,

The Cheese Shop of Silver Lake


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