Matthew & Elizabeth Know More Than You About...

We write. You read.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Haiku to my recently purchased items at Trader Joe's

Dear reader(s) - (hopefully there's more than one, but who knows) -

Like most females, I have a healthy obsession with food. I enjoy cooking, and LOVE eating out. Naturally, I asked co-blogger/partner-in-life Matthew if we could turn our blog into a food blog, instead of our blog-which-mocks-snobbery-while-simultaneously-showing-off-our-great-taste-slash-intellect-all-in-the-name-of-fun.

However, Matthew scoffed at this idea, and (scoffing), said, "Real original. Food blogs have so been done before." It's true. They're everywhere. Some are good. A lot of them are lame. And they seem to be getting more and more popular. So of course, when something has reached it's peak of popularity, we have already been hating it for years.

So, rather than bringing you lame recipes that I've copied from somewhere else followed by step-by-step blurry unappetizing photos, I am bringing you, blessed reader(s), the gift of poetry.

Please enjoy some (rather original and ingenious) haiku. And stay tuned for our Labor Day trip to Cincinnati, where we will sample some "famous" (who-knew) Cincinnatian chili, and, umm, do other Cincinnati things . Coming soon.


Chop! Dice! Wedge! Sizzle!
Bringing tears to my blue eyes,

You smell great sautéed.

Hark! Rings like a tree.

In the test of time, you win.

Gimme some onion rings.

Red Pepper Jar.

Fire roasted brilliance.
Where have you been all my life?
I’m moving to Spain.

Soy Ice Cream Sandwiches.

Freezer Door Opens.

Cool Breeze. Softly swirled chocolate.

I just can’t quit you.

Carrot Cake Cupcakes.

Evil coworker,
Brought these to work. Only two!
Dollars. I had 4.


She gazes at the west -
Ern sun. Are those Potatoes?

She muses. Or cheese.


Perplex, form, function.
Boundary of thought. Words fail
To describe. 'Red' works.